Frequently Asked Questions
Will I get my certificate as soon as I complete and pass the course?

Yes, it will be instantly generated.

Once the course has been started, can I stop, pause and take this course later at a later date and time?
Yes, you can take the course anytime, from anywhere on any device.
Can I truly take these courses from anywhere in the world, from any device, operating system and platform?
Yes! Take this from your MAC, PC, nook, kindle, Galaxy, android or iphone. (but only one device at a time)
Is there an exam at the end of the class?
You will have to answer a few questions after each module, taking a final answer session at the end.
What is the score I need to achieve and if I don't pass, can I take again?
Per ADRE, you need at least an 80% passing rate and if you fail a module, you can take it again?
How will ADRE & the school know it's me taking the exam?
Per ADRE rules passed in 01/2024, there might be a verification process confirming that you are taking the course for yourself.